Micro Focus GroupWise Web 18.2 - Part 2

Getting Started with GroupWise Web

  • Prerequisites
  • Installing Docker on SLES
  • Downloading and running the webacc-ng-config utility
  • Downloading and running the image
  • Updating the image
  • Updating the GroupWise Post Office Agent


  • GroupWise 18.2 or later.
  • GroupWise POA with SOAP enabled. SOAP must have SSL enabled.
  • (Optional) TLS certificates for GroupWise Web.
  • Fill out the GroupWise Web Worksheet with the information for your GroupWise system.
  • Docker 17.0.9 or higher

Installing Docker on SLES

If you haven't installed Docker before, you can install Docker on SLES 12 or SLES 15 following the steps below:

1. Add the Containers Module to your server using YaST > Software > Add System Extensions or Modules.

You can also add the Containers Module during the SLES install.

2. In a terminal, run the following commands:

> sudo zypper install docker

> sudo systemctl enable docker

> sudo systemctl start docker

> sudo usermod -G docker [username]

This command lets the specified username run docker commands

3. In a terminal, run the following command to test the docker install

> docker run hello-world

For more information on Docker, see the SLES documentation below:

SLES 12: https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles-12/singlehtml/book_sles_docker/book_sles_docker.html

SLES 15: https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles-15/singlehtml/book_sles_docker/book_sles_docker.html

Downloading and running the web-config utility

Before you can run the GroupWise Web image, you must run the webacc-ng-config utility to create a web.conf file that has the POA and DVA configuration of your GroupWise system. Go to https://hub.docker.com/r/mfgroupwise/webacc-ng-config for instructions to run the utility.

Note: If you are using builds 18.1.1-133203 or 18.1.1-133447 of GroupWise Web, then you must use the poalist utility (https://hub.docker.com/r/mfgroupwise/poalist).

Downloading and running the image

The first time you run the GroupWise Web image, you need to specify the folder that has the web.conf file and (optionally) your TLS certificates. For convenience, the Web Client can create certificates for your system. For information about certificate best practices in GroupWise, see https://www.novell.com/documentation/groupwise18/gw18_guide_admin/data/adm_secadm_cert_server.html.

1. Run the following command to pull down the webacc-ng image:

> docker pull mfgroupwise/webacc-ng

    To download the multi-language build, run 

> docker pull mfgroupwise/webacc-ng-multi

2. Run the following command to run the webacc-ng image using the information from the GroupWise Web Worksheet:

> docker run -d -v Web-config Location:/etc/nginx/gw --name webacc-ng --rm -e FQDN=Docker Server Name -e DNS_SERVER=DNS Server -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v (Optional) Server Certificate:/certs mfgroupwise/webacc-ng:latest

    To run the multi-language build, change mfgroupwise/webacc-ng to mfgroupwise/webacc-ng-multi.

    To run with GroupWise self-signed certificates:

> docker run -d --rm -v /opt/novell/gw:/etc/nginx/gw --name webacc-ng -e FQDN=webacc.acme.com -e DNS_SERVER= -p 80:80 -p 443:443 mfgroupwise/webacc-ng:latest

    To run with commercially signed certificates:

> docker run -d --rm -v /opt/novell/gw:/etc/nginx/gw --name webacc-ng -e FQDN=webacc.acme.com -e DNS_SERVER= -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /opt/novell/gw/certs:/certs mfgroupwise/webacc-ng:latest

    Please note that /opt/novell/gw/certs should contain the server.key and server.crt files.

3. You can now access GroupWise Web by going to https://<Docker_Server_Name>.

Updating the image

To update the image to the latest version, you simply need to stop the image and start up a new instance with the latest code:

1. To stop and remove the old image, run the following commands:

> docker stop webacc-ng

> docker rm webacc-ng

2. Run the following command to pull down the latest webacc-ng image:

> docker pull mfgroupwise/webacc-ng

3. Rerun the docker run command you used in _Downloading and running the image_ to use the same webacc-ng-config file and certificates.

Updating the GroupWise Post Office Agent

In order to support new functionality in GroupWise Web, changes sometimes need to be made to the GroupWise Post Office Agent to which GroupWise web connects. When you need to update the GroupWise POA, a note will be added to the Available Features list. Please note that the GroupWise download (and GroupWise Web) should only be used in a test environment.

To download the GroupWise build that has the latest GroupWise Web support, go to the Tech Preview Workspace and follow the links to the latest GroupWise download.

Note: To access the Tech Preview workspace and the GroupWise download, you must be registered to the tech preview forum.


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