Micro Focus GroupWise Web 18.2 - Part 2

Getting Started with GroupWise Web

  • Prerequisites
  • Installing Docker on SLES
  • Downloading and running the webacc-ng-config utility
  • Downloading and running the image
  • Updating the image
  • Updating the GroupWise Post Office Agent


  • GroupWise 18.2 or later.
  • GroupWise POA with SOAP enabled. SOAP must have SSL enabled.
  • (Optional) TLS certificates for GroupWise Web.
  • Fill out the GroupWise Web Worksheet with the information for your GroupWise system.
  • Docker 17.0.9 or higher

Micro Focus GroupWise Web 18.2 - Part 1

What is GroupWise Web

In GroupWise 18.2, Micro Focus is pleased to introduce GroupWise Web. GroupWise Web has an updated UI to access your GroupWise mailbox on mobile devices, tablets, and desktops through your web browser.

While the feature sets are not identical, in the next release of GroupWise, GroupWise Web will replace GroupWise WebAccess. In GroupWise 18.2, you can continue to use WebAccess and introduce GroupWise Web dependent on your organization’s needs. We highly encourage you to transition your users from WebAccess to GroupWise Web.

As GroupWise Web will be replacing WebAccess, all new features and enhancements will only be added to GroupWise Web and not WebAccess. WebAccess will continue to be supported until the next release of GroupWise.

Available Features

As this is a tech preview, all features are not currently available in the software.