Preview Customized NAM Error Messages

Access Manager : Preview Customized Error Messages

You can do the following to preview the customized error messages located here: 


How to customize Access Manager Error Messages

Early Access of NAM Analytics Dashboard v5.0

Early Access of Access Manager Analytics Dashboard v5.0

Micro Focus is happy to announce the early access release of the re-architected and cloud-ready Access Manager Analytics Dashboard. Analytics Dashboard offers deeper visualization of your Access Manager environment, system statistics, access pattern, and more. Analytics Dashboard will replace the current Access Manager Analytics Dashboard in v5.0.

Analytics Server is built as a cloud-native application and it will support diverse deployment options including containers, cloud (in FCS), and of course virtual servers. Analytics Dashboard is built on top of the latest ELK stack and offers significant improvements over the incumbent Analytics Server.

The following are some of the noteworthy updates:
  • Significantly reduced hardware requirements:

For the demonstration purpose For a production environment
CPU: 2 Cores
Memory: 4 GB
Hard disk: 50 GB

CPU: 4 Cores
Memory: 16 GB


G-Suite IDM Driver v4.2 - Google API Quotas

 Google API Quotas

With the transition from the old Provisioning API to the Directory API via the Admin SDK, Google has introduced and exposed quotas on the various interfaces used by the G-Suite IDM Driver. Some people are seeing quota issues with their driver. This document details how to view your quotas, current usage levels, and how to request more quota from Google, should you need it.

Should you exceed your quota, your G-Suite driver will report this case to the trace log file and shutdown.

Managing Quotas

Your API quotas and current usage can be viewed at any time from your developer’s console:

Please note that Google can and does change their policies and web interfaces at any time without warning. The information provided here may no longer be correct or current, though we will attempt to keep it up to date.

TIP: Log in with the account used to create the project in the first place.

Select the project which created the credential used by the Google Driver. The overview will give you a snapshot of your usage overall.

From the APIs & Auth section, select APIs, then select Enabled APIs.

Select the Admin SDK. This API provides all services for the driver with the exception of Group Settings and Domain Shared Contacts. Selecting Usage will allow you to see a usage summary over time.

Select "Quotas" to see your current quotas and current remaining quota.

If you have exceeded your quota for requests per day, click the highlighted link to create a request to Google for more daily quota.

You can also go to this URL to directly access the Quota request form for the Admin SDK:

Clicking the "Change" button allows you to change your per-user limit of 15 requests per user per second, though it is unlikely that the driver will ever exceed this threshold.

For more information on the Admin SDK and quota limits, please see this Google documentation:

G-Suite IDM Driver v4.2 - Common Driver issues

 Common G-Suite Driver Issues

Issue Example and Notes
User Placement. Do not use a leading "\" to place users or Organization Units.

To place a user in the root container, the dest-dn should only contain the Username. If you are placing a user in the G-Suite Sales\Marketing container your dest-dn should look like:

<add class-name="User" dest-dn="Sales\Marketing\ ddare"/>

Organization Units use the same format for dest-dn.

Group Placement: Do not use a placement rule on groups as Google does not support placing groups in organizations.

Groups are not kept in a hierarchical structure. Placement is not relevant to group objects.

Unique naming: It is important that Nicknames, Group names and usernames be unique in the G Suite domain.

When developing a matching rule be sure to check for nicknames and usernames to ensure proper matching. 
Further, naming must be unique across all Google Organization units. 
It is not legal to have Sales\Marketing\myname and Engineering\myname since myname needs to be unique across the domain.

Driver Unable to Start

  1. Are the driver jar files installed and eDirectory restarted?
  1. Have you created the admin account in Google and logged into the web interface at least once?
  1. Examine a level 3 or higher trace log of the driver start up for errors.

Driver Exceeds Quota on requests to specific services.

Google has specific default quotas defined for the various services the driver uses. The quotas limit the total number of requests allowed in a given 24 hour period. 

Once these quotas are exceeded the driver will receive an HTTP 403: Forbidden error. 
Token Response Exception when using Gmail Settings Attributes

The trace will show something like this: 

DirXML Log Event -------------------
Driver: \GLOBAL-DOMINATION\system\driverset1\Google Apps
Status: Fatal
Message: <description> 401 Unauthorized</description>
<exception class-name="">
<message>401 Unauthorized</message>

This error is due to not authorizing the new Gmail scopes within the Security section of your G Suite domain. Please refer to the following guide to reset the authorized scopes for the service account.
Micro Focus Identity Manager Driver 4.8 : G-Suite Driver v4.2 - OAuth Update

GoogleJsonResponseException error 403 forbidden when accessing Gmail Settings attributes

The trace will show something like this: 

<status level="retry" type="app-connection">
<description>IOException: 403 Forbidden
"code" : 403,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "usageLimits",
"message" : "Access Not Configured. Gmail API has not been used in project 1233 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.", 

"reason" : "accessNotConfigured".

The Gmail API has not been enabled for your G Suite domain. Enable it in your service account's developers console project.